rely on us to ensure safety and success when using Large Language Models (LLMs). Our expertise protects your projects and increases your chances of success.
Now analyzed and published in collaboration with Helmoltz-Zentrum for Information securiy (CISPA). Learn more about this vulnerability.
Get advice on LLM integration The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) warns against IPIs and strongly recommends seeking expert advice when integrating language models.
Our research has also attracted international interest. We will publish our presentation at the world's largest security conference here in mid-November.
Large language models (LLMs) have become ubiquitous since OpenAI released chatGPT. They use huge language datasets and neural networks to enable natural language dialogs, juggle, transform, compress, and translate text. But their integration requires caution because the language models are easily compromised. We have done research on this and are happy to advise you on how to use LLMs safely.
LLM safety advice directly from the pioneers of this research.
Early advice saves time, money and potentially prevents legal issues.
Our expertise optimizes your LLM use for better results and higher safety.
“Large language models are giants; one example is ChatGPT from OpenAI. But beware, there are dangerous challenges! Manipulations, known as “prompt injections”, threaten the conversation. Users often try to trick the chatbot with sophisticated texts. But what if the input doesn't come from the user themselves? It gets even more exciting when external sources take over the conversation from outside!”
Before you begin integrating a powerful AI-driven language model into your system landscape, let us conduct a comprehensive risk assessment and benefit from our expertise. This approach will save you time, effort, stress, and money.
If our team of experts concludes during the initial risk assessment that your planned project is feasible with acceptable risk, we will continue to stand by your side and guide you step by step through each development phase.
We analyze your project and evaluate opportunities and risks.
We will provide you with a detailed analysis report.
We accompany your project and keep an eye on safety.
You want to integrate LLMs into your systems? Count on our expertise regarding analysis and implementation.